PRO Green Deal for Policymakers

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PRO Green Deal for policymakers

is a comprehensive program designed to address critical challenges in energy regulation and climate governance in Ukraine, Moldova, and the European Union (EU). The program aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of energy regulation, climate policies, and effective governance frameworks.


Who is this course for?

Representatives of decision-making centers in the field of energy, ecology, climate policy from Ukraine and Moldova, in particular, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, relevant committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, regulatory bodies (NKREKP), state enterprises, corporations, think tanks or non-governmental organizations.

We are looking for individuals with at least 5+ years of experience in the energy sector, who speak English at a level of at least B1 and who have a clear vision of why they want to join the program.

Energy markets: Evolution of electricity markets in Europe
September 9 - December 18, 2024

  • Blokc 1

    Part 1: Introductory Sessions

      • European Energy Regulation and International Climate Frameworks
      • EU accession of Ukraine (and Moldova) and requirements on energy and climate
      • Energy and Climate Governance in EU and Ukraine
      • Data and Modeling
  • Blokc 2

    Part 2: Florence School of Regulation Course on Electricity Markets in Europe, combined with deep dive and complementary sessions.

    • Module 1: Electricity market basics in Europe
    • Module 2: European experience with cross-border electricity trading
    • Module 3: System balancing in Europe, system security and technical operation
    • Module 4: integration of distribution network constraints into electricity markets, consumer-focused legislative packages and initiatives
    • Module 5: Overview of REMIT regulations in the European energy market
    • Module 6:  Buffer week to work on Mastery Challenges and reinforce their understanding of the material covered in previous modules.
    • Modules 7 & 8: Mastery Challenges, including analysis of short-term interventions to long-term market changes, exploration of the future of capacity remuneration mechanisms, and investigation into demand-side flexibility.
  • Blokc 3

    Part 3: Governance & Empowerment Workshops

    • Governance workshops with inter-ministerial working group coaching
    • Empowerment sessions for decision makers
    • Simulation games in group format
    • Mentorship and Coaching Sessions
    • Group exercise to work on the future electricity market of Ukraine/Moldova and the regional context
  • Blokc 4

    Part 4: Final Test

    Participants will take a written test which will be taken at the end of the program.

Who is the PRO Green Deal for policymakers course suitable for?

  • For policymakers who work on the national level from Ukraine or Moldova.

  • For those who work in the government, ministries, regulatory bodies, parliament.

  • For individuals working in corporations, think tanks or non-governmental organizations.

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